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Too Close To Give Up


Too Close To Give Up 

by Raquel Garcia 

I am afraid to fail. 

In the Writing Blog, I will share weekly goals for my writing. I am doing it for accountability and support from the writing community. My weekly updates will include achievements and struggles. 

I have been working on a Blanket of Light since May. Every time I write there is a sense of release. The story that was bubbling inside of me began to take form. I have never written a fiction piece before. I always wrote creative nonfiction. 

My original goal for a Blanket of Light was to write a 20k novella. Then once in the thick of it, I realized that it was meant to be a novel. A story, I have wanted to tell for many years. I just never tried.

Now that I am so close to finishing it, I am afraid. I am scared that it will be rejected. I am investing time and hope. And it is terrifying. 

I will publish this novel. 

I am going to try to publish the traditional way. Sending out a query letter, and manuscripts, and I will hope that someone will pick it up. If that fails, I plan to self-publish. I believe in the story.

Come back, cry and celebrate with me. Writers need writers. 

Thanks for reading! 

Raquel Garcia